Friday, April 19, 2013

Thunder while Fishing - Blue Lake, Washington

One year while camping at Blue Lake in Eastern Washington, my cousin and I were fishing for trout early in the morning. It was a perfect day, clear blue sky, not a cloud to be seen. The sun had just come up over the hills and we had just put our tackle back into the water and settled in to start trolling.
Then, all of a sudden we hear thunder, only it doesn't stop. We looked at each other, then to the hills and the lake thinking this might actually be an earthquake. But to our surprise there were no waves on the lake but rather a perfect calm. No shaking in the hills, no rocks falling. We looked at each other again and I said "What the heck is this?" Then we saw them, Harley Davidson motorcycles coming through the valley 2 x 2. We stood up in the boat and counted 140 of them, what an awesome sight and even more an awesome sound as there was only peaceful nature sounds prior to their thunder.
Oh, and by the way, as we were so mesmerized by what we were seeing and hearing, I had a nice 16" rainbow trout on the line and didn't even realize it!

Tales by Tommy Headley

You can visit Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife for licensing & permits, fish limits and directions to beautiful Blue Lake, Grant County Washington

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